
A Great Reward

“So don’t lose your bold, courageous faith, for you are destined for a great reward! You need the strength of endurance to reveal the poetry of God’s will and then you receive the promise in full.”  Hebrews 10:35-36 TPT

Bold, courageous faith, fearless confidence, and bravery are such empowering words. Just reading those words can encourage us to walk in them. I know it stirs up something inside of me! I don’t always feel these emotions, but I’d like to, and I am working towards doing it more frequently.

We’re told to not lose these things because they are necessary in bringing reward. What a great way of depicting that! Steadfast strength and endurance are the keys that help us keep bold, courageous faith active. It says that they also bring about the poetry of God’s will. What a beautiful picture and promise! These things help us accomplish the will of God and that leads to receiving what the Lord has promised. They are all necessary and they all work together to bring God’s promises to fruition so we can accept them in their fullness.

We are destined for a great reward! That promise spurs me on to be brave, courageous, and full of confidence, with the strength to endure, not in myself, but in what Christ does through me.