About Me

I love reading the Word because it always speaks to me. That’s what is so awesome about the the Bible. It’s timeless, alive, inspired, true, and it shows us who God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit are! It has answers to every question you have and is full of wisdom. When you speak the Word out loud it has power. There is nothing like it, absolutely nothing!

Reading the Bible didn’t always speak to me the way it does now. It took time and consistency and a desire to hear and understand. It’s how I got to know who God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit are. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t know everything, but I have a much better idea of their true character because I’ve spent time in the Word. It’s like any relationship. If you want to get to know someone you have to spend time with them and reading the Bible is how you get to know your Creator.

I started writing daily devotions several years ago as an assignment from my mentor. She would have me send her a text highlighting a verse that stood out to me that day and what I got out of it. That developed a habit in me to continue writing and soon I was sending my devotions to women I was mentoring. I did it as way to keep myself accountable but to also set an example for them to get in their Bible daily. My hope was that if they could see what I got out of the time I spent in the Word they would want to do the same and that is how I started on this journey.

My passion is to help women develop a passion to know God better. To get closer to Him. To develop a strong relationship with Him. To know how much He loves you. To understand His ways. To fulfill His purpose for your life. To live a life that will impact and determine what you do in eternity. I pray that this blog will have that effect on you and that your relationship with God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit will be stronger than ever before as you get into the Word and discover for yourself the beauty and mystery of the Bible.