
Are You Salty?

Your lives are like salt among the people. But if you, like salt, become bland, how can your ‘saltiness’ be restored? Flavorless salt is good for nothing and will be thrown out and trampled on by others.” Matthew 5:13 TPT

Salt doesn’t just enhance the flavor of certain foods, it preserves them also. So when we’re told we are the salt of the earth it has more than one purpose or meaning.

We are designed to enhance everything that we come in contact with. God intends for us to make things better and add good things to other’s lives. We are also designed to preserve the presence and power of God on the earth. We are supposed to guard it, protect it, and display it!

You and I were chosen to carry out the purposes and plans of God. This is why it’s so important to stay connected to God, His Word, His Son, and Holy Spirit. They keep us salty, lol, in a good way! We don’t want to lose our effectiveness in this world because it’s way too important. Let’s stay focused so we can be the salt among the people that enhances and preserves God’s plans and purposes.