The Blueprint Bible Study

The Bible gives us a very clear blueprint of what it looks like to be a woman of God.  As we delve into Proverbs 31 we will discover how to master time-management, seek and use wisdom, be excellent, trustworthy, and caring, thankful, diligent, mindful, fit, prosperous, and so much more!

We have a very clear picture of who we can become if we don’t quit or give in to the thoughts that may try to discourage us.  God has a great plan for our lives and He’s given us the blueprint to accomplish it!  I look forward to going on this journey with you. Let’s build something awesome on the inside of us that will reflect God’s heart to those around us.

As you go through this plan it’s my prayer that you will allow the Holy Spirit to uncover and develop the qualities that are outlined in Proverbs 31.  Most importantly, please invite a friend on this journey with you so you can keep each other accountable and pray for and encourage one another.  God designed us to do life with each other and it’s just better that way! So grab a friend and dive in!