The Blueprint – Day 1

PROVERBS 31:10 says: “An excellent woman [one who is spiritual, capable, intelligent, and virtuous], who is he who can find her? Her value is more precious than jewels and her worth is far above rubies or pearls.”  AMPC

I love to read Proverbs 31 at the end of the month to remind me of what a woman of God looks like. Verse 10 says that she is excellent, giving her very best to everything. Let’s look at what this consists of.

This verse describes her as one that is spiritual, so she spends time with God, consistently and worshipfully. 

She is capable, which is being efficient at whatever is before her. 

She is intelligent, which means she spends time learning and applying what she learns and doesn’t give into the whims of her emotions.  

She is virtuous, which is having and displaying high moral standards. 

It’s actually kind of shocking that this verse says she is a rare find. These attributes aren’t that difficult to achieve are they?  Like, are they really? I don’t think so.

They do take intentionality and consistency but they are not out of reach! With God’s help we can grow in each of these areas and become Proverbs 31 women because nothing is impossible when we partner with God! 

Action Step: As we look at these attributes, which ones are you strong in? Which ones are you weak in? What steps can you take to become better in these areas?