The Blueprint – Day 10

PROVERBS 31:23 says: “Her husband is known in the [city’s] gates, when he sits among the elders of the land. [Prov. 12:4.]” AMPC

Her husband is like a modern day elected official who is looked up to because of his wisdom, fairness, and desire to serve others. The only way he is able to hold such a position is if his wife is taking care of the household and helping to provide for the family. 

Because she is diligent in all she does she keeps peace in the home which allows her husband to serve in his role in the community to the best of his ability, without distractions, drama, worry, etc. She really does have a tremendous amount of influence over the success of her husband. 

Her reputation advances him, supports him, and encourages him. I think about the turmoil, arguing and stress a lot of couples and even friends go through and think if we, as women, become more like this woman – how could we change those relationships for the better? 

By becoming a Prov. 31 woman we can influence and change so much around us! It starts with us! That’s exciting and empowering and amazing all at the same time! 

Action Step:  Who are you supporting and allowing to walk in their purpose because you choose to walk in yours fully? If you aren’t yet at this point, who would you like to be able to influence and support so they can step into their calling? What steps do you need to take to be able to do that?