The Blueprint – Day 12

PROVERBS 31:25 says: “Strength and dignity are her clothing and her position is strong and secure; she rejoices over the future [the latter day or time to come, knowing that she and her family are in readiness for it]!”  AMPC

Dignity is like honor, so strength and honor are always on her, covering her, serving her and protecting her. That is what allows her to be strong and secure.  We know our strength comes from God (from the joy of the Lord) so how do I put that, and dignity/honor, on like clothing so I can be strong and secure?  By knowing God and knowing who I am in Him. Time spent with God is never without reward. 

The Proverbs 31 woman can rejoice over the future because she has taken steps in the present to prepare for it. Becoming a Christ follower is the first and most important step to secure our future but then what we do with what God has given us is how we continue to prepare. We all have gifts and talents and God expects us to use them and develop them.  This woman isn’t just prepared she is rejoicing for the future! I want to have that same heart and mind/attitude. 

I’m so thankful God continues to teach us and prepare us for the future, not just here on earth but also in heaven. What we do on earth is preparing us for what our future and eternity in heaven will look like. God help me to not waste the precious time I’ve been given on things that don’t matter but help me focus on the God things; The things that bring strength and honor-  so my position can be one of strength and security! 

Action Step:  What steps can you take to develop more strength and dignity/honor in your life so you can rejoice over the future?  What gifts and talents has God given you and how are you developing them?