The Blueprint – Day 14

PROVERBS 31:27 says: “She looks well to how things go in her household, and the bread of idleness (gossip, discontent, and self-pity) she will not eat. [I Tim. 5:14; Tit. 2:5.]”. AMPC

The verses referenced in Timothy and Titus have to do with self-control – so as not to bring about a bad reputation or opinion of God or Christ followers. In other words, don’t be a hypocrite and be mindful of how we conduct ourself. We are always representing God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, always! That is why this is so important.

Ok, so we’ve heard the saying ‘the bread of idleness’ but what does that mean? It means managing our time wisely and not being lazy.  We should know what we need to do and have a plan to get it done. We don’t need to be busy, we need to be productive and effective; to work smarter, not harder. 

If she looks well to how things in her household go that means she has a good grasp and understanding of her role, her purpose, and her calling and she is determined to fulfill it to the best of her ability and with God’s help.  We have to invest time in our relationship with God to be able to understand our role, purpose, and calling. 

She doesn’t have time to compare herself to what everyone else is doing, to gossip with her friends, or to complain or be ungrateful, have a pity party, or procrastinate.  Because she knows who she is and what she is called to do she can focus on that and have confidence that she’s walking in God’s will. She is thankful, gracious, kind-hearted, and joyful. 

This certainly gives me something to think about and to ask God to help me in the areas I fall short in. The great thing is that God tells us to ask and He will answer so I can ask for help and growth in this area and I will trust God to help me discover and correct the things that need to change in my life so I can be a closer reflection of this woman. 

Action Step:  How about you? What areas of today’s verse stand out to you that you would like to make improvements in? Even if you only identify one thing, you can ask God to help you grow in that area and He will!