The Blueprint – Day 16

PROVERBS 31:30 says: “Charm and grace are deceptive, and beauty is vain [because it is not lasting], but a woman who reverently and worshipfully fears the Lord, she shall be praised!”  AMPC

Charm and grace are deceptive.  Just because someone appears to be charming or grace filled doesn’t mean they are. It has to be inside you, not a mask you wear.  Some people are really good at deceiving others in this way. 

Outward beauty is vanity because it so easily hides the flaws that are inside the heart and mind. We’re drawn to things of beauty especially in outward appearances. How many people have been attracted to, and fallen in love with, and even married someone because of their outward beauty only to discover later the true person underneath is nothing like the outward person?

This Proverb takes us back to the truth we’ve heard over and over again and that is, the fear of the Lord is the beginning of all wisdom. This woman feared God and was wise as a result, which lead to the person we’ve read, and studied, and admired, and hope to become. It all starts with the fear of the Lord, which is reverence and honor and praise! It’s knowing who God is and the power that is in Him and in His name. 

Action Step:  It’s good to ask ourselves where our fear of God is at. Have we allowed ourselves to get prideful and busy and no longer take time daily to really worship, honor, praise and listen to God? If so, it’s a good day to get back on track and seek wisdom and that starts with the reverent and worshipful fear of the Lord!  What steps do you need to take?