The Blueprint – Day 17

PROVERBS 31:31 says: “Give her of the fruit of her hands, and let her own works praise her in the gates [of the city]! [Phil. 4:8.]” AMPC

What a great way to close out the description of the Proverbs 31 woman!  She doesn’t need to boast about anything nor does she feel the need or desire to. Her life has spoken for her. She has reaped what she has sown and it’s very good.  

She has chosen to follow God, to be excellent, trustworthy and caring, to be obedient, to be disciplined, loving, and thoughtful, to seek and use wisdom, to master time-management, to be a good steward, to never give up, to put others first, and to be frugal and use her talents to help her family and others prosper. She is diligent, has a thankful heart, stays fit in all areas of her life, is mindful, generous and humble.  Those are the things that have been described about her. It may seem like too much to think about but it really isn’t. With the help of the Holy Spirit we can grow in all these areas by focusing on them one at a time. It all starts with putting God first.

We may never get it all right but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t give it our best effort! God gave us a very clear picture and example, in this woman, for us to follow. I’m so thankful for that. I don’t have to figure it all out on my own. We have a very clear picture of who we can become if we don’t quit or give in to the thoughts that may try to discourage us. 

God has a great plan for my life and yours too!  Let’s praise Him and use all the tools He’s provided us to become Proverbs 31 women. 

Action Step: Review the attributes listed above and write them down.  Use a numbering system like 1-10 to indicate where you are at in each area.  Next, prioritize them in the order you would like to work on them. List how you will grow in each area and share that with a friend to help keep you accountable.  Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you and embark on a journey with Him to become the woman of God He designed you to be!