The Blueprint – Day 3

PROVERBS 31:13-14 says: “She seeks out wool and flax and works with willing hands [to develop it]. She is like the merchant ships loaded with foodstuffs; she brings her household’s food from afar [country].”  AMPC

There is so much more here than meets the eye! This woman is always thoughtful. She researches and plans the best use of her resources willingly, with a good attitude. 

She improves herself and those around her.  It was a duty of everyone, rich and poor, to improve all their talents – and time is an important one. She was an excellent time manager. She had servants so she made sure their time was not wasted and neither was hers. 

Because she was diligent in everything she did she was able to purchase items from other countries at a better price than she could locally and it helped her to prosper. She didn’t waste her money on things she didn’t need. We can all learn from this woman and apply her example to our lives! 

Action Step: How is your time management?  Do you take time to plan your day and how it will affect those you are responsible for?  Are you making the best use of the resources God has provided for you? How is your attitude?  What steps can you take to improve in one area?