The Blueprint – Day 4

PROVERBS 31:15 says: “She rises while it is yet night and gets [spiritual] food for her household and assigns her maids their tasks. [Job 23:12.] AMPC

Rising while it’s still night doesn’t sound like fun right?  But this is what the Proverbs 31 woman does. She rises early enough to spend time with God for her spiritual food so she is full enough to give out to others throughout the day. 

She was prosperous enough to have maids and what made her prosperous are the things we’re learning about her.  She’s not lazy, but instead she is diligent and disciplined. She takes time to care for herself and then rightly plan her day and the tasks of her maids. She doesn’t waste time but instead uses it to her advantage.  

This makes me consider how I spend my time and how effective, diligent, and disciplined I really am. What do I need to change in order to keep God first in my life, to rise early with anticipation of what God has in store for me? Will my first meal of the day be spiritual food or just food?  Will I take time to rightly plan my day and those I’m responsible for? 

Action Step: Take time to ponder and answer the questions above for yourself and then partner with God to be all He created you to be. Be specific in your answers and have a plan of action.