The Blueprint – Day 5

PROVERBS 31:16 says: She considers a [new] field before she buys or accepts it [expanding prudently and not courting neglect of her present duties by assuming other duties]; with her savings [of time and strength] she plants fruitful vines in her vineyard. [S. of Sol. 8:12.]” AMPC

I like the way she thinks! She takes time to consider whether she can afford the field as well as whether or not she will be able to maintain it without it causing her to neglect the responsibilities she already has. She isn’t making rash decisions or impulse purchases. She does her homework and plans ahead. 

Then it talks about her being able to save time and strength so she can plant a new vineyard. That takes really good time management and leadership. She is not only leading herself but her help too. 

She isn’t afraid to delegate responsibilities to others and does what only she can do. This is such a good model and an encouragement to do these things. It’s worth it!!  She’s a great steward of everything God gives her and this makes me look at my life and evaluate what I could be stewarding better. 

Action Step:  These are the questions I’m asking myself, I encourage you to join me.  Do I take time to thoroughly consider new endeavours or opportunities and whether they are a good idea?  Do I have time and strength for a new opportunity if God were to make one available? What can I steward better?  How will I go about it?