The Blueprint – Day 7

PROVERBS 31:18 says, “She tastes and sees that her gain from work [with and for God] is good; her lamp goes not out, but it burns on continually through the night [of trouble, privation, or sorrow, warning away fear, doubt, and distrust].” AMPC

I love this woman!! When was the last time you stopped to think about your work and reflect that it was good? Or that your gain, or profit, from work was good? That doesn’t have to be monetary. 

She worked diligently ‘with and for God’ so she was a business woman that did everything with God in mind. She not only got up early, but she utilized the nighttime to her advantage also. 

I like the words that are used here: ‘warning away’ fear, doubt and distrust. It sounds like she gave the enemy a good dose of rejection and stood her ground to keep those negative thoughts and attitudes from invading her mind and life. That takes work. It may not be the same kind of work she engaged in during the day, but it is work. 

I just admire how she doesn’t quit, give in, get lazy, make excuses, etc. That ability comes from the discipline she has developed in her routine and devotion to God and what He has called her to do. God help me to follow that example! 

Action Step: What is one thing you are really good at when it comes to work?  How do you feel about the profit and non-monetary benefits you receive from your work?  Are you thankful for them and recognize they are good?  How are you doing with warning away fear, doubt, sadness and trouble, etc?  Recognize what you do and have that is good and thank God for it.  Then ask Him to help you in those areas that you would like to grow in!