The Blueprint – Day 8

PROVERBS 31:19-20 says: “She lays her hands to the spindle, and her hands hold the distaff. She opens her hand to the poor, yes, she reaches out her filled hands to the needy [whether in body, mind, or spirit].”  AMPC

We know the Prov. 31 woman is a business woman and this verse tells us she actively engaged in the business right alongside her maids, (employees).  She set a good example of how to work diligently and effectively. One of the rewards of her diligence was wealth, which she then openly shared with those in need. She wasn’t stingy or haughty. 

I like the terminology that she reaches out her filled hands. That shows me that she didn’t wait to be asked to help those in need.  She saw the need and she took action and filled it. We have so many opportunities all around us every day to do this same thing.  We don’t have to be wealthy to help someone in need and we don’t have to wait to be asked, which is very empowering when you think about it.

She didn’t just help with tangible resources; it says, body, mind and spirit is how she gave and she gave freely! She has a husband, family, maids, a business, well actually several businesses or ways to earn income, and she still makes time to help the poor and to seek that out. She not only has a good heart but this woman is excellent at time management and stewardship. There is so much to learn from her! 

Action Step: These verses make me ask a few questions of myself and I hope you will do the same.  Do I give at a level that I feel is pleasing to God?  Do I actively look for the needs around me so I can give without being asked?  Which is easier for me to give from; body, mind or spirit?  How can I give in each area?  How often can I give in each area? What needs to change in my life in order to grow in this area?