The Blueprint – Day 9

PROVERBS 31:21-22 says: “She fears not the snow for her family, for all her household are doubly clothed in scarlet. She makes for herself coverlets, cushions, and rugs of tapestry. Her clothing is of linen, pure and fine, and of purple [such as that of which the clothing of the priests and the hallowed cloths of the temple were made]”.  AMPC

In order for her to not be concerned when winter arrived shows her thoughtful preparation and planning. She worked before the cold weather came to make sure her family and servants were doubly clothed. She wanted them to be as comfortable as possible. She also chose warm colors to enhance the look and feel of their bundling up. 

She did everything to her very best ability.  She made beautiful things for her home to make it comfortable and a place everyone would want to stay. She thought about the enjoyment of others and wasn’t afraid to work hard to attain it. 

These verses made me think about the times I’ve known something was coming that I needed to prepare for but procrastinated instead and then had to settle for less than because of my lack of preparation. Or when I’ve not taken the necessary time and energy to keep my house in good order and the very best condition I could.

I remember when I first started working on this plan, asking God to help me be better in this area, especially when it came to taking care of my house. I’ve since made a vast improvement in providing a more peaceful, comfortable, and pleasant home for my family. It’s because I asked for His help that I was able to move closer to becoming a Prov. 31 woman in this area of my life.

Action Step: Which one do you think you could improve most in? Planning ahead or taking care of the things that God has given you and using them to the best of your ability so that others reap the benefit of them also? Asking God for His help is the best first step we can take!