

“But as for me, I will call upon the Lord to save me, and I know he will! Every evening I will explain my need to him. Every morning I will move my soul toward him. Every waking hour I will worship only him, and he will hear and respond to my cry.” Psalms 55:16-17 TPT

David was going through a very difficult time when he wrote this. He was surrounded by his enemies and his closest friend had betrayed him. If anyone had the right to feel sorry for himself and complain about his circumstances, it was David.

But what does he do? He calls upon God to save him and he does it with confidence. He doesn’t just do it once. Every day he explains the longing of his heart to God in the morning and evening. He says “I will move my soul toward Him.”  How does he do that? How do we do that?  By focusing our thoughts, will, and emotions on the only One who can help us. He worshipped, prayed, and believed! 

We are supposed to go before our Father with boldness and faith and He promises that He will hear us and He will respond to us!  Don’t give up. I know sometimes it seems like everything and everyone might be against us and we’re not sure when breakthrough will happen. But if we will just be like David. He was faithful in this and he did it for many days. He got his breakthrough and so will you.