
Build Yourself Up

“But you, my delightfully loved friends, constantly and progressively build yourselves up on the foundation of your most holy faith by praying every moment in the Spirit. Fasten your hearts to the love of God and receive the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ, who gives us eternal life.  Jude 1:21-21 TPT 

How do you build yourself up?  It’s easy to get discouraged when things aren’t going the way we had hoped or envisioned, so this is a good question to ask ourselves. 

These verses tell us the first step is to pray every moment in the Spirit.  This means we rely on the Holy Spirt for help to guide our thoughts in our prayers.  It’s not about having the right words, it’s about having the right heart. As we do this, it builds the foundation of our faith constantly and progressively.

In addition, we are to fasten our hearts to the love of God and receive the Mercy of Christ. I heard Bill Johnson say recently: “The embracing of fear is the rejection of love”. We need to embrace love and reject fear.  We want to fasten our hearts to God’s love just like it says in this verse.  That means to fix or hold in place, so nothing can separate us from God’s love, including fear. That’s how we build ourselves up and that’s where God wants us to stay.