
Don’t Be Fooled

“Tell the nations plainly that Yahweh rules over all! He is doing a great job, and nothing will disrupt Him, for He treats everyone fair and square.”  Psalms 96:10 TPT

It’s in times like these that the enemy has an easy time convincing people that he is in control. Don’t be fooled. Satan may be the prince and power of the air but God alone is in control. God knows the end from the beginning and He works everything with that end in mind. God didn’t promise easy but He did promise to lead and guide and provide if we will choose to follow Him.

The enemy works tirelessly to kill, steal, and destroy but God is still in control and He always will be. God rules over all! He is fair. Nothing will stand in His way of fulfilling His promises. He is doing a great job and He deserves to hear that from us every day.

We can’t focus on what we see in the natural, but instead, our focus should be on the victory being won in the supernatural. Thank you, God, that you are in control and you will be victorious in the end.