
Don’t Wait

“So if you know of an opportunity to do the right thing today, yet you refrain from doing it, you’re guilty of sin.”  James 4:17 TPT

One thing I love about James is, he doesn’t shy away from speaking the truth in love. We all need a good dose of truth, and sometimes on a daily basis, that’s why getting in the Word consistently is so important.

Getting back to the verse, when we choose to not take the right action, when a situation presents itself to us, we’re sinning. That may sound harsh but it’s the truth. God gives us opportunities every day to do the right thing. Whether it’s helping someone in need, being kind, choosing not to argue, or any number of opportunities.

How often do we put off doing the right thing with the good intention of doing it later and thinking that it’s ok? I do this more frequently than I like to admit. This is undoubtedly why obedience has been my word from 2020 and 2021! Delayed obedience is disobedience so I need to stop doing that.

I know I can, and need to, grow in this area and being reminded of how serious it is was just the thing I needed today. If you struggle in this area too, I hope this helps you as well.