
Faith Like Gold

“Your faith will be like gold that has been tested in a fire. And these trials will prove that your faith is worth much more than gold that can be destroyed. They will show that you will be given praise and honor and glory when Jesus Christ returns.”  1 Peter 1:7 CEV

As we close out a year and enter a new one it’s good to reflect on what God has done and is continuing to do. This past year brought many challenges and new trails that none of us enjoyed. It also brought testing of our faith and opportunities to grow and strengthen that faith.

I’m not sure why we dislike testing so much when it’s so good for us. Testing is a process that reflects what is truly in our heart. If we’re paying attention, and desire to please God, we will invite the Holy Spirit to reveal what the testing is for and then be willing to acknowledge and correct the things we’re shown. It’s a process that reveals the lies and doubts we hold onto and refines our faith.

If anything, this last year has taught me to embrace the trials and get everything I can out of them so my faith can be made stronger. I want to be immovable in my faith and that is exactly what God wants as well. So whatever this next year holds, I will embrace the trials knowing there is a purpose in it and my faith is being made stronger! 


  • Linda Farrell

    I completely agree with your observation that testing is a process that reveals the lies and doubts we hold onto, and once revealed, we are in a position to allow God to remove them and in their place instill truth and faith.