
His Eyes

I believe God truly wants us to see people the way He sees them, to look at others through His eyes. It’s not our normal view but it should be.

We look at outward appearances first and often that will determine if we’re even willing to continue to look at someone, let alone talk with them. We can find ourselves just staying on the surface and completely missing the real person on the inside.

God wants us to see people through His eyes, with His lenses, and His perspective. We are vessels that God wants to use to show His love to those He puts in front of us. We have to put on our God glasses and see people the way He sees them, on the inside, not the outside. Then, and only then, can we speak to someone and truly touch their heart, spirit, and soul the way God longs for us to.

“So then, from now on, we have a new perspective that refuses to evaluate people merely by their outward appearances. For that’s how we once viewed the Anointed One, but no longer do we see him with limited human insight.” 2 Corinthians 5:16 TPT