
Heaven’s Balcony

“The Lord looks down in love, bending over heaven’s balcony, looking over all of Adam’s sons and daughters. He’s looking to see if there is anyone who acts wisely, any who are searching for God and wanting to please him.”  Psalms 14:2 TPT

I think this verse is spot on for the days we’re living in right now. We’ve all been given a time to look at things a little differently and prioritize what’s truly important. Some will find things to do to occupy their time that have no eternal reward but are gratifying to the flesh. Watching Nexflix, browsing social media, and sleeping come to mind. That’s always a temptation, right?

But I believe God is inviting us to take advantage of this time and really search for His heart in all of this. As we “shelter in place”, He’s giving us the opportunity to really tune-in to Him and draw closer to Him. God’s desire is that we will choose to spend more time with Him. We can get in our Bible, talk to Him more (pray), listen to messages, play worship music, and most importantly, take time to listen to His heart. He wants to speak to us and He’s given us this time to do just that.

There is something more He has for us to step into on the other side of this season. We can’t discover what that is, be prepared for it, or step into it, if we’re not spending time with Him. He’s looking over that balcony in Love, and that will always be the posture of His heart. Let’s take time and search for Him because there’s nothing that pleases Him more.