
Just One Day

“For just one day of intimacy with you is like a thousand days of joy rolled into one! I’d rather stand at the threshold in front of the Gate Beautiful, ready to go in and worship my God, than to live my life without you in the most beautiful palace of the wicked.”  Psalms 84:10 TPT

This chapter was written by the sons of Korah, rather than David, although it sounds like David’s heart. What’s interesting is that Korah got filled with pride and revolted against Moses, along with 250 others, and God opened the earth and swallowed them up. God spared the sons of Korah that were too young to understand their father’s sin.

Several generations later, the sons of Korah wrote this beautiful psalm. They could have continued in their father’s rebellion but thankfully they chose to serve God and became talented songwriters and musicians as well as great warriors in David’s army.

This verse, in particular, is well know for reminding us of the power and importance of spending time in God’s presence. There is nothing better because just one day can change everything!