
Light and Wisdom

I know that you delight to set your truth deep in my spirit. So come into the hidden places of my heart and teach me wisdom.”  Psalms 51:6 TPT

The best way to get God’s truth deep in our spirit is to read the Word and then meditate on it. Take time to think about what it’s saying to you. Is it speaking to your mind to help you think through something and give you clarity, or maybe to give you wisdom?  Is it speaking to your soul to bring you comfort?  Is it speaking to your heart to bring you healing? 

God delights in getting His truth deep inside our spirit. Why? Because He knows it will lead us and guide us in His ways. It will illuminate our path and keep our feet on solid ground. It will protect us and encourage us and so many other things, but most important, it brings us wisdom.

God’s Word is meant to get down into the hidden places of our heart so it can remove the darkness and bring light, and with the light comes wisdom! God knows where the hidden places are, and what they need, but He waits for the invitation from us.  Invite Him there today and He will bring you wisdom.