
Look at Me

“Look at how much encouragement you’ve found in your relationship with the Anointed One! You are filled to overflowing with His comforting love. You have experienced a deepening friendship with the Holy Spirit and have felt His tender affection and mercy.”

Philippians 2:1 TPT

Wow! This just really spoke to me this morning. I felt like God was saying “This is what My people will say to each other when they walk through this pandemic with Me”. God wants our relationship with Him to be strengthened and our friendship with Him to deepen. He wants us to know, without any doubt, how much He loves us. He wants us to feel His affection, which is even deeper than what we experience with people we love, and to remember His mercy, that is new every single morning!

The fact that we can experience a friendship with the Holy Spirit is a gift that should be treasured. It wasn’t available to the people in the Old Testament. The fact that we have access to Him is one that shouldn’t be taken for granted, but treasured and developed. When we press into the Holy Spirit and deepen our relationship with God it brings us encouragement, it fills us to overflowing with His love, and allows us to feel his tender affection and mercy!

I want to encourage you to take advantage of these unique times to draw close to God and He will certainly draw close to you!