
Loving Correction

It can be difficult to receive correction from God, especially if correction from our parents and people in authority over us was not done in love. If we grew up relating correction to shame and rejection then we are not going to welcome it from anyone, including God. This is where healing is needed so lies can be replaced with truth.

God corrects us because He LOVES us, that is His sole motivation. Once you allow God to heal the wounds from your past and you believe the truth about Him as a loving Father, you will welcome His correction because you will KNOW it is done out of pure love.

If you’re not at that place yet, I want to encourage you to spend time receiving healing and truth from your Heavenly Father. You can start by telling Him how you feel, what you believe, etc. Then take time to ask God how He sees the situation, what does He say about you, etc? Renounce the lies and accept the truth God speaks to you and healing will come. He wants you to accept everything He brings to you in love. 

“My child, when the Lord God speaks to you, never take His words lightly, and never be upset when He corrects you. For the Father’s discipline comes only from His passionate love and pleasure for you. Even when it seems like His correction is harsh, it’s still better than any father on earth gives to his child.”  Proverbs 3:11-12 TPT