
Our Hope and Confidence

“[Most] blessed is the man who believes in, trusts in, and relies on the Lord, and whose hope and confidence the Lord is.” Jeremiah 17:7 AMPC

When you desire for a certain thing to happen, what is your go-to? Are you a planner that will spend time researching and doing the necessary footwork to bring that thing to fruition? Sometimes to the point of not waiting for God’s perfect timing?

Or are you someone that lets things happen in their own time and patiently waits, believing your persistence in being patient will bring about what you hope for? This would be to the point of neglecting doing our own part in what God has for us.

This verse tells us that unless we fully trust the Lord and place our confidence and hope in Him alone, neither of the scenarios mentioned above will bring about the blessing God intends. The Lord wants to be our hope and confidence even when things are unstable and we’re not sure what will happen next. He wants us to be patient and trust His timing but He also wants us to do our part in the process.

We can get too far ahead of God or fall way behind if we’re not believing, trusting, and relying on God’s perfect ways, knowing He is always good and always on time. He will take care of us and see us through any circumstance and we will be most blessed when we believe, trust, and rely on Him!