
Something New!

“In the same way I will not cause pain without allowing something new to be born,” says the LORD. “If I cause you the pain, I will not stop you from giving birth to your new nation,” says your God.”  Isaiah 66:9 NCV

Pain has a funny way of showing up when we least expect it. None of us go through our day expecting pain to be present, yet, it often is. So how do we respond?

To my knowledge, pain is never welcomed or celebrated. In fact, our typical response is to complain about it. It’s just who we are. We typically avoid pain at all costs. We will choose to not do something, that could potentially be good for us, because we’re afraid it will be painful, like exercise, inner healing, etc.

But when God is involved in our pain, He says He will always allow something new to be born! He won’t hinder that new thing, but instead, He helps it come to life! New birth is always painful, and for some, it lasts longer than others. Just think about the many stories you’ve heard about a mother’s labor experience. Some can’t get to the hospital quick enough and some take many, many hours. But the result is a beautiful new life and the pain quickly fades away!  The joys of the new birth far outweigh the pain and that’s the way it is when God is involved in our pain process. It’s always to birth something new and wonderful in us!