
Quick to Listen

We find ourselves in a very difficult time, with injustice and tension glaring us in the face. If there’s one thing I’m learning, and hearing loud and clear, it’s the importance of listening. We can’t truly understand what someone else is experiencing if we don’t take time to listen and try to understand.

People are hurting and anger is often the only emotion they have left when they feel they aren’t being heard. Anger is a legitimate emotion but it’s not a legitimate tool to promote or represent Christ. We’re on this earth to bring glory to God and do what’s right. If we don’t take time to listen and learn from others, and instead just stay stuck in our our mindsets, we will never bridge the gap that seems to be widening every day.

Let’s be quick to listen to one another, to God’s voice, and His Word. Let’s take time to learn and understand someone else’s perspective. Let’s promote peace and justice and reject anger because God’s righteousness doesn’t display itself in anger. 

“My dearest brothers and sisters, take this to heart: Be quick to listen, but slow to speak. And be slow to become angry, for human anger is never a legitimate tool to promote God’s righteous purpose.”  James 1:19-20 TPT