
Seeds of Wisdom

If you want peace you have to start with peace. That is the seed of wisdom’s fruit. There is nothing else that will bring peace except peace. Our hearts have to be in a posture that is described in James 3. It starts with a pure heart, so if we need to get some ugly things out of our heart like jealously, bitterness, anger, etc. then we have to start there. Humbling ourselves and getting our hearts right is the first step. Then we can be filled with peace that comes from God and that leads to being considerate and teachable.

The notes in my Bible explain teachable as “ready to be convinced” or “willing to yield to others”. That is the posture I want my heart to be in. I don’t just want to learn, I want to be open to change and have a mindset that I’m not always right. I want my mindset to be one of being convinced instead of trying to convince someone that I’m right.

If we’re walking in wisdom our hearts should be filled with love and never display prejudice or hypocrisy. If we’re walking in wisdom we will be ready to help those in trouble and do good for others. We will always be fair and honest. Peace is foundational and good seeds of wisdom will yield a harvest of right-living. 

“But the wisdom from above is always pure, filled with peace, considerate and teachable. It is filled with love and never displays prejudice or hypocrisy in any form and it always bears the beautiful harvest of righteousness! Good seeds of wisdom’s fruit will be planted with peaceful acts by those who cherish making peace.” James 3:17-18 TPT