
Tender Love

“I will forever praise this God who didn’t close His heart when I prayed and never said no when I asked Him for help. He never once refused to show me His tender love.”  Psalms 66:20 TPT

You know how when people don’t understand you and they either close themselves off to you or they just aren’t there to support you when you need them? It creates all kinds of feelings and none of them are good.  We can feel alone, discouraged, abandoned, scared, unloved, and rejected.

Then I read this verse and I’m reminded of the goodness of God. It’s true! He never closes His heart to us. He never refuses to help when we come to Him and ask and are willing to do it His way. And best of all, God has never once refused to show us how much He loves us.  We just may not have always seen it at the time.

Sometimes we mistake His help and answers as not loving us but that is never the case! His ways are always better than ours.  God never refuses to show us His tender love. He’s never removed His mercy and loving-kindness from being with us and He’s not going to start now. He deserves our praise forever!