
The Battle Inside

“What is the cause of your conflicts and quarrels with each other? Doesn’t the battle begin inside of you as you fight to have your own way and fulfill your own desires?” James 4:1 TPT

I think we’d all be better off if we could just stop and ask ourselves this question when we’re in a disagreement with someone. Usually our fighting is all about us wanting our own way. We have an idea, a goal, an expectation, or desire for something and when it appears it may not come to fruition we go to battle.

Think about the last argument you got into. Was it worth it? Was it you trying to get your way? It was for me and it wasn’t worth it. I wish I would have chosen to die to self.

Selfishness has a way of creeping into our hearts and making us act less than a Christ follower should. If we can take time to invite the Holy Spirit to keep our hearts in the right place, and think about the motive of our heart, it will keep us out of many arguments and it will bring peace into the situation instead. The main thing worth fighting for is love.