
The Law of Freedom

The law of freedom, to me, is following Christ’s commandment to love our neighbor as ourself. If we show favoritism we are violating this law. The reason this is important is that it leads to a lack of mercy.

When we love others, the way God does, it eliminates the need to worry about whether we’ve done the right thing, or not, according to other people. We often concern ourselves with what others think and disregard what God thinks. Pleasing God is loving others and that allows us to show mercy, which is love responding to someone who doesn’t deserve it.

How many times have we been in the position of needing mercy? How would we feel if God refused to graciously give us mercy? Because it’s available to us always, God expects us to grant it to others, freely.

Mercy is forgiveness and it’s love in its highest form. If we want to receive mercy in judgment, where it really matters, we will extend it to everyone here on earth. As the Passion translation says: “By showing mercy you take dominion over judgment.”

“In every way, then, speak and act as people who will be judged by the law of freedom. There will be no mercy in judgment for anyone who hasn’t shown mercy. Mercy overrules judgment.”  James 2:12-13 CEB