
The Trap

“Fear and intimidation is a trap that holds you back. But when you place your confidence in the Lord, you will be seated in the high place.” Proverbs 29:25 TPT

It’s so easy to let fear creep into our lives and I think most of us don’t become aware of it soon enough. If fear sees even the slightest crack to sneak into our heart and minds it’s going to bust the door wide open and flood in! Intimidation works the same way, because it’s a form of fear, but it’s usually based on our perception of what others think. The important thing with both of them, fear and intimidation, is that they hold us back! 

So when we place our confidence in people, the government, our job, our spouse, etc., we are always going to have fear because placing our confidence in earthly things is like leaving the door wide open.  Fear and intimidation keep us from becoming who we are supposed to be and from doing what we are supposed to do.

Let’s close the door to fear and keep it shut and place our confidence in the only One who can truly be trusted. When we do, the Lord will seat us in the high place, or the place of worship, and that sure beats being stuck in fear!