
The Trust Factor and the Farmer

“And He said, The kingdom of God is like a man who scatters seed upon the ground, And then continues sleeping and rising night and day while the seed sprouts and grows and increases–he knows not how.” Mark‬ ‭4:26-27‬ ‭AMPC‬‬

The mystery of God and creation! I love thinking about it. Life is in the seed and only God knows how to create that. We can’t see what makes life and we can’t duplicate it but we know it’s there and that given the right environment it will grow.

We see the farmer being faithful to plant and tend to the seeds he sows but he has no control over when it will come in or how much it will produce. God alone created the seed and the life in it and the farmer has to trust that it will do what it’s supposed to do when he does what he is supposed to do.

We have our part and God has His. He does what only He can do. God trusts us to do the rest. We work together with God and sometimes we have to be patient for the seeds we’ve sown to produce a harvest. One thing is for sure though, we can’t sit around doing nothing.