
Those Who Believe

“And those who believe will be able to do these things as proof: They will use my name to force out demons. They will speak in new languages. They will pick up snakes and drink poison without being hurt. They will touch the sick, and the sick will be healed.” Mark 16:17-18 NCV

The only qualifier for walking in the miracles, signs, and wonders mentioned above is that we believe! We must possess faith that Christ, God, and Holy Spirit are who they say they are. Faith that the same power that raised Christ from the grave is inside of us. Faith that God is always good and we can do anything in His name to bring His purposes into the earth.

God will protect and provide and He will work miracles through those that believe. The enemy wants us to think there are many things disqualifying us from stepping into being conduits of miracles, signs, and wonders but the truth is, it’s only our unbelief!

God, fill us today with a fresh anointing and your healing and miracle working power, that raises people from the dead and sets captives free!  It is God’s desire to heal, redeem, and restore all those who call on Him. We are meant to do greater things and the time is now!