
Time to Listen

 I recently started listening to prophetic teachers on a regular basis. I was amazed at how much they had to share. The thought came to me that they hear from God regularly, some daily, because they take the time to listen to God. They ask what is on His mind and heart. What does God want them to know and share with others?

The fact that some of these prophets have so much to say tells me that God has a lot to say to us. This verse confirms it. If we will pay attention and listen, God will speak.

His words are described as gentle rain on new grass and dew on tender plants. He’s not yelling at us in anger or wrath but instead, He speaks in a way so that our hearts can receive what we need to hear and know. It’s then our job to come into agreement with what God is saying, and pray with Him, to see those things fulfilled in our lives and in the earth.

Unlike people who tell us what they think when we haven’t asked, God waits for open ears and hearts, but when He gets them, He will speak! I’m ready to listen. How about you?

“Pay attention, heavens, and I will speak; listen, earth, to the words from my mouth. Let my teaching fall like rain and my word settle like dew, like gentle rain on new grass and showers on tender plants.”  Deuteronomy 32:1-2 CSB