
Trust Issues

“But the person who trusts in the LORD will be blessed. The LORD will show him that he can be trusted.”  Jeremiah 17:7 NCV

Trust is a firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something.  I’m not sure that I know anyone that hasn’t had a problem with trust issues. Humans are just that, human, and we make mistakes, say things we don’t mean, go back on our word, let people down, etc. Those things break trust and it’s hard to earn it back. We’re all guilty of breaking trust with someone and we’ve all had trust broken by others. 

God, on the other hand, is a keeper of His Word. He is faithful, reliable, trustworthy, and honest. God knows that we have trust issues so He consistently shows us He can be trusted. So why do we still struggle in this area? Why is it so hard to trust God? Mostly because we don’t understand His true nature and how much He loves us. His love is truly unconditional and that’s where we get tripped up.

Everyone, and everything around us, are going to let us down at some point. But God is the one, and only one, who we can trust fully, with absolutely anything. It doesn’t always look the way we expect, but in the end, God works all things for our good.

Trust in the Lord, you’ll be blessed. I can say that with confidence because He’s consistently shown Himself to be trustworthy and He always will.