
What’s in You?

“Don’t you believe that the Father is living in me and that I am living in the Father? Even my words are not my own but come from my Father, for He lives in me and performs His miracles of power through me.”

John 14:10 TPT

If Jesus said this to His own disciples, who had been with Him, I’m convinced He’s saying it to us too, probably more often than He should. This is why I say that. Too often we forget that the Spirit of God himself resides within us. He’s a part of us and always present.

We’re never alone even though the enemy loves to convince us that we are. The very same power and authority that Jesus has is present in us! We can’t afford to forget that. God wants to move and work through us in the same way He moved and worked through Jesus.

The next verse says: “Believe that I live as one with my Father and that my Father lives as one with me.” We have to believe that for ourselves in order to be fully used by God to bring Him glory and accomplish what He’s assigned for each of us here on earth. God lives in us, and His power is in us, and He expects us to walk in that authority and power to fulfill His purposes.