
Who’s Listening?

“My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.” John 10:27 ESV 

This familiar verse spoke to me as a reminder of a couple of things.  God knows us and He knows our voice. When we speak, He listens and He knows us intimately. So just because we may not get an answer to prayer when we want one doesn’t mean He isn’t listening.  He may still be waiting for us to do the last thing He asked of us. Or, He might be delaying because it’s not the right timing. It could be any number of reasons. We just have to learn to trust Him.

I’m learning that instead of asking for what I want, to ask for what God wants for me in a situation. Those are the times I usually hear His voice very clearly. God knows what is best for me and submitting to His will is always going to bring about the best possible outcome.

If we are daughters of the King, we have the ability to hear our Father’s voice whenever He speaks. God wants and needs us to be ‘tuned in’ and always listening for His voice because what He has to say is important. He wants us to follow Him instead of wandering off onto our own path. That’s how we get lost. So let’s stay tuned in and focused on God’s voice and He will lead us well.