
Why Acting Like Kids Is a Good Thing

“Learn this well: unless you receive the revelation of the kingdom the same way a little child receives it, you will never be able to enter in.” Luke‬ ‭18:17‬ ‭TPT‬‬

I’ve so enjoyed watching my little 3 year old grandson interact with people. I remember taking him to the library for story time, pre-Covid, and was fascinated with how freely he moved around the crowded room, not caring what anyone thought about him.  He would wander up to the lady reading the books and stand there in front of everyone, seemingly oblivious to all the other kids.  He let his curiosity lead him to try to discover whatever it was that was intriguing him. Fear had no place in this kid’s thought process.

Now he is in the stage of asking endless questions and his curiosity is refreshing because it reminds me to take time to think about things instead of just doing them.  Children have so much to learn and they are little sponges, soaking up everything in their path.

The other day, God reminded me of these observations I’ve made about Rylan and He said, “That is how I want My children to come to Me and to interact in My kingdom.” He wants us to come before Him boldly, not caring what others think, but desiring to know what’s going on and to be a part of it.  To not let our fears stand in the way of our curiosity of who God is and what He is like.

I can see why God wants us to have childlike faith and the curiosity and boldness to seek Him out.  Children are trusting, humble, loving, and forgiving.  Asking questions is how they learn, it doesn’t mean they don’t trust.

Oh, to be a child again, right? We could all use a little more of those childhood virtues so we can enjoy God and His kingdom they way He intended us to.