
Your Expectation

“I expect and hope that I will not fail Christ in anything but that I will have the courage now, as always, to show the greatness of Christ in my life here on earth, whether I live or die.” Philippians 1:20 NCV

When I read this verse today I could feel my spirit agreeing with it.  I so much want to be able to say that I won’t fail Christ in any way. I realized that what often gets in the way of that is fear. 

Courage is what is needed to be able to show the greatness of Christ in my life.  Courage, to me, is when we acknowledge fear and choose to do the right thing anyway. I think what can help set us up for courage are the words: “I expect that I won’t fail”.  That’s a great statement to make, out loud, to let the enemy know we mean business.

There will be times when courage is needed and we will feel like we just can’t do it. If we can remember this verse and speak it out loud over ourselves, we can push through the fear and find the courage needed to represent Christ to a world that desperately needs Him.